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Guide to Setting up Christmas Lights

Christmas lights are a core pillar of your Christmas decorations. They lighten up your room, adding character and life. Your home can either be bright or dimly lit or still have the same Christmas cheer. The type of lighting you choose for your Christmas decorations should go hand in hand with the other decorations you have planned for your house. Therefore, whether you are decking the halls or decorating the Christmas trees, always remember to factor in the type of lighting that will be around. 

Getting the Right Christmas Lights and Flowers for your Table

Setting your Christmas table is a fun activity and one that brings the family together. Meal times during Christmas should be fun, and apart from the food, you need to think about what decorations will be on the table. When it comes to choosing table lighting, you don’t have to go traditional and only have candles. There are artificial lighting that don’t require wiring and therefore, you can have them at your table. These new light designs are great and will go well with other décor items on your table. 

Flowers are also a wonderful addition to your table setup. Some flowers may not appear well under artificial light. In fact, green plants may appear black when you turn on your Christmas lights which features a lot of red color. So, whether you are using natural or artificial lights, make sure you pick flowers that will look great in either.

Focus on Your Mantel

The mantel is an important area during Christmas and other holidays. It is a central part of your living room and traditionally, people have put socks and ribbons on the mantle. However, you can make the season more memorable by digging up older pictures and displaying them. Make sure there is a soft light and some flowers to add to the ensemble. You can also opt to create your own mantel from scratch. Search some DIY videos on how you can customize a great mantel piece to display gifts, flowers and pictures. 

Decorating the Exterior of Your Home

Christmas is usually very cold since it is during winter. So, even as you decorate, ensure you keep in mind that the surrounding will matter a lot. Don’t pass too many electrical wires since these can be hazardous and difficult to pull out on account of heavy snow fall. Your porch is the first focal point since it serves as the entry to your house. Consider a decorative mirror which you can add some snowflakes. If you have kids, let them make and decorate a snowman as this will not only give them something to keep them busy, but also give them time to bond with neighbors and friends. 

The idea during Christmas is to have everyone together in merrymaking. This can start from the moment you decide to buy Christmas decorations and it will last till the end of the holidays. Make sure you keep your boxes ready to pack your decorations once the holidays are over. 

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